Anaesthetic: None
A fairly large percentage of adults are affected by unsightly thread or spider veins on the face, legs or other parts of the body. They can develop as a result of standing or sitting for long periods of time, pregnancy, weight gain or ageing and genetics.
Thread veins can be unsightly and may affect how your confidence or how you feel about yourself. It is good to know that treatments are available. At Skinlogic, we offer the two gold standard treatments for thread veins which are micro-sclerotherapy or laser therapy.
Sclerotherapy is the treatment of choice for larger thread veins on the legs. It involves injecting a liquid, that we call a sclerosing agent, through a very tiny needle directly into the thread vein. The injections cause the walls of the veins to become sticky and collapse. They then fade harmlessly.
Is sclerotherapy safe?
Sclerotherapy is a safe and well established treatment for thread veins on the legs. Although there are a number of alternative treatments, it remains the most reliable and successful of them all.T he drug we use is called Venofresh. It is widely used in the USA and Europe, and the UK. We use it because in our opinion it has the least side effects and is painless.
What is the treatment like?
Your treatment session lasts about 30 to 60 minutes. The needles used are very fine, so discomfort is minimal. However, the sclerosing agent may sting a bit. The treated vessels can take between 2 weeks and 3 months to fade. You will notice a red, raised area at the treatment site. These should disappear within 24 hours. Bruising will disappear in 7-10 days. Itching can occur. This normally only lasts for a few hours.
How does it work?
A solution is injected with a very tiny needle, very superficially into the veins, causing the lining of the vein to swell and become sticky. Compression is then applied to help close the veins. Over a period of time the vein will heal closed and fade away.
What are the possible side effects?
Though safe, it is not entirely without risk. The two most common side effects are something called hemosiderin deposition and telangiectatic matting. Statistically they occur in about 15% of people treated.
Hemosiderin deposition occurs when the vein is not entirely closed, blood is trapped and clots. In some people iron pigments leak from the clot and stains the skin over the vessel brown. The brown marks are not permanent but may take time to fade. They darken when exposed to the sun and will take longer to fade if tanned.
Matting occurs if the fragile vessel is injured during the injection, leaving a mat of tiny veins that look like a blush or red bruise. Matting usually disappears completely after 6 to 12 months, but if it persists, it can be treated with sclerotherapy if the needle can access the fine vessels to flush the solution gently through.
Other risks are extremely rare but these include:
- Allergic reaction – any drug carries risk of allergic reaction. It is quite common for patients to experience some itching and some redness at the treatment site. This is no cause for concern and will pass within a few hours. Serious allergic reactions are extremely rare.
- If the solution irritates the tissue surrounding the vein, in rare instances blistering can occur. If left alone these can potentially lead to further blistering and leave a small scar.
- There is a rare risk that a damaged vein may be tender and painful as it heals, this is more likely to occur behind the knee and will settle down within a couple of weeks.
- Though extremely rare deep vein thrombosis can occur after sclerotherapy.
If you suffer any symptoms that concern you, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How successful is sclerotherapy?
The results achieved after one treatment vary considerably from one client to another. You should budget for up to 4 treatments; 4 to 16 weeks apart and you can expect an improvement in their appearance of 70 – 90%.
Pre-treatment care:
- Do not use bath oils, lotions, or creams on your leg for 24 hours before your injections.
- Dress in loose clothing – jogging trousers or a skirt. Comfortable shoes are recommended to accommodate the support hosiery.
- If you have already been supplied with compression hosiery, bring it with you on the day of treatment.
- Do not schedule long haul flights or long journeys with limited opportunities to mobilise close to your sclerotherapy sessions.
Post-treatment care:
- Take a brisk 10-minute walk immediately after treatment, after which you can drive yourself home or back to work.
- Wear your support hosiery or support bandage day and night for 72 hours; at the end of which you may take it off, and have a short cool shower or bath. Do not be alarmed that the treated veins look worse, it is normal at this stage.
- Avoid extremes of temperature for 14 days, such as very hot baths, saunas or sun beds.
- Avoid sun exposure for 4 weeks – should you have pigmentation; it may take longer to fade.
- Avoid high impact exercise for 2 weeks, gentle exercise may be resumed in 24 hours.
- Avoid waxing of the legs for 6 weeks.
- Elevate your legs as much as possible for the first 2 weeks.
Pre-treatment Consultation
- On arrival, you will be asked to complete a confidential patient intake form.
- A VISIA Skin Analysis may be conducted if the area of concern is on the face.
- Your practitioner will then discuss your concerns and requirements with you in order to get a clear understanding of your expectations.
- After a thorough examination, the most suitable treatment options and their alternatives will be proposed to you. Treatment procedures will be clearly outlined and discussed, together with the benefits and possible risks of each.
- To ensure a good result, it is of utmost importance to carefully select our patients for this treatment.
- Should we find that surgery will be better, we will then refer you to a plastic surgeon.
- Your practitioner may also provide you with a quotation.
- Any questions you have about the process or treatment will be answered honestly.
- Together, you and the practitioner will then decide on the treatment that is most appropriate and safe for you.
- Any pre- and post-treatment care will be explained in detail. Written instructions may be handed to you.
At Skinlogic we can assure you that we value your health and wellbeing. You will only be seen and treated by qualified and experienced professionals.
During the Treatment
Sclerotherapy is an office based procedure and takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete. While lying on an examination table, the treatment area will be cleansed with an antiseptic solution. The needles that are used are very small, in fact – the smallest available needle! A special skin illuminating device is used to illuminate the skin from beneath, allowing the practitioner to locate even the tiniest veins as well as hard-to-find deeper reticular veins that serve as “feeder veins” for superficial thread or spider veins. An injection takes only a few seconds to administer and you will barely feel the slight pinch of each. There may be a slight burning sensation afterward from the sclerosing agent.
Following the Treatment
Your practitioner will apply your support bandages and advise you on post-treatment care to ensure the best possible result.