Anaesthetic: None
Long Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser
Laser vein treatment usually takes less than an hour. The procedure uses a focused beam of light to target the vein that is selected for treatment, and because the beam is focused it is careful not to affect nearby skin, tissue and veins. As the laser heats up the vein is destroyed, then, over a period of four to six weeks, the vein is reabsorbed by the body and disappears.
At Skinlogic, unsightly veins on the legs are also treated with injectable Sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy gives good results in larger veins while laser therapy is good to target finer veins. During your consultation, your practitioner will assess your condition and advise on the best treatment for you.
How does the laser work?
The Nd:YAG laser pierces the skin and penetrates the superficial blood vessel. The heat generated from the laser coagulates the blood inside the vessel, causing it to collapse and seal. Over the next few weeks, the vessel will disappear and all the blood will be removed by the body’s scavenging cells. The newer laser treatments allow the delivery of a precise dosage of energy to each blood vessel without injuring any nearby structures.
Is laser therapy painful?
A local anaesthetic may be used to numb the area. During treatment, however, you may feel a slight tingling sensation as the laser fires. The procedure produces only mild discomfort and usually normal activities can be resumed immediately.
What preparations should I take before treatment?
There are no major preparations required before the laser treatment, but you will want to avoid sun exposure, aspirin, alcohol and smoking for at least a week prior to the procedure.
As for the day of treatment, avoid all creams, lotions and moisturisers on the area that is going to be treated. Also, wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the body part(s) being treated.
How do I know if I am a candidate for laser vein treatment?
All individuals are evaluated prior to laser therapy. Spider veins do not cause symptoms and are of a cosmetic concern only. For those who have symptoms, further investigation is done to ensure that they do not have varicose veins. Laser therapy is most effective for the very small spider veins and not used to treat large varicose veins.
What is the time between treatments?
It is generally recommended that the treatments be spaced four to six weeks apart. If new veins appear, additional treatments are required for optimum results.
What are side effects of laser therapy?
The skin above the veins will have a reddish, cat-scratch appearance. This generally disappears over the next two days.
What are potential complications of laser therapy?
The risks associated with laser vein therapy are minimal. In rare cases redness and irritation of the treated area may occur. There is a small risk of pigment change following treatment. A small minority of patients develop bruising and blistering. This settles within a few days. Your eyes will be shielded during the treatments.
How many treatments are needed?
Depending on the size and number of veins, three to four treatments will be needed. The treatments are usually done 4-6 weeks apart. Those with a tendency towards vascular problems will most likely require additional treatments.
Is laser treatment for spider veins curative?
There is no cure for spider veins. Although treatment does not prevent the development of new spider veins, the removal of existing veins can dramatically improve the appearance of the affected area, providing a more youthful, healthy look and an even colour pattern to the skin. Spider veins can be recurrent and thus, more treatments will be required in the future.
Who is not suitable for the treatment?
- Anyone who has had sun exposure in the last 2 weeks on the area that is to be treated
- Pregnant and breastfeeding patients
- Medications like Roaccutane must be stopped 6 months prior to treatment
- Dermatitis and eczema on treatment area, dark-skinned patients and those with a history of seizures
Pre-treatment care:
- Do not use bath oils, lotions, or creams on your leg for 24 hours before your injections.
- Dress in loose clothing – jogging trousers or a skirt.
- Do not schedule long haul flights or long journeys with limited opportunities to mobilise close to your sclerotherapy sessions.
Post-treatment care:
- Take a brisk 10-minute walk immediately after treatment, after which you can drive yourself home or back to work.
- Take a short cool shower or bath that night. Do not be alarmed that the treated veins look worse, it is normal at this stage.
- Avoid extremes of temperature for 14 days, such as very hot baths, saunas or sun beds.
- Avoid sun exposure for 4 weeks – should you have pigmentation; it may take longer to fade.
- Avoid high impact exercise for 2 weeks, gentle exercise may be resumed in 24 hours.
- Avoid waxing of the legs for 6 weeks.
- Elevate your legs as much as possible for the first 2 weeks.
Pre-treatment Consultation
- On arrival, you will be asked to complete a confidential patient intake form.
- Your practitioner will then discuss your concerns and requirements with you in order to get a clear understanding of your expectations.
- After a thorough examination, the most suitable treatment options and their alternatives will be proposed to you. Treatment procedures will be clearly outlined and discussed, together with the benefits and possible risks of each.
- To ensure a good result, it is of utmost importance to carefully select our patients for this treatment.
- Should we find that surgery will be better, we will then refer you to a plastic surgeon.
- Your practitioner may also provide you with a quotation.
- Any questions you have about the process or treatment will be answered honestly.
- Together, you and the practitioner will then decide on the treatment that is most appropriate and safe for you.
- Any pre- and post-treatment care will be explained in detail. Written instructions may be handed to you.
At Skinlogic we can assure you that we value your health and wellbeing. You will only be seen and treated by qualified and experienced professionals.
During the Treatment
Before your treatment you will be provided with a detailed consent form. You will be asked to read and sign this prior to having your treatment.
You will have plenty of opportunity to ask any questions you may still have regarding the treatment.
Your practitioner will cleanse the area to be treated. If necessary, topical anaesthetic will be applied. At Skinlogic, we encourage our patients to omit the topical anaesthetic since it causes vasoconstriction and thus impair an optimal healing cascade. However, your well-being and comfort is very important to us, so the option of topical anaesthetic is always available. Depending on the treatment intensity, most patients report feeling just mild discomfort and heat, as though a hot rubber band is flicked against the skin.
After the procedure, the skin is calmed with the application of specialised products to provide comfort, enhance your treatment and aid recovery.